Crisis Team Training - New Members
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Registration Deadline
Monday, February 24, 2025
This training is designed for mental health professionals who are interested in joining our regional crisis team. Funding for this training is provided through the Minnesota Department of Education. Lunch is not provided. Please plan to bring a lunch, order in, or go out for lunch.
Participants of this training are introduced to the CISM framework and specific intervention techniques that can easily be applied within the school setting. These intervention techniques are research-informed and widely recognized for effectiveness. Participants will be given opportunities to explore the elements of effective crisis management through multiple group activities.
Who Should Attend Training?
The training is intended for those who will actually serve on the Regional Crisis Team. School administrators must be supportive of the team and understand their role, but they typically don’t attend this training.
- School Social Workers
- School Psychologists
- School Counselors
- School Nurses
- Other school mental health professionals
Program Highlights
- Nature of school crisis and traumatic stress on learning.
- Major components of crisis management.
- “Standard of Care” as it relates to school crisis management.
- CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) as a model of crisis intervention.
- Unique role and needs of the administrators.
- Group intervention techniques for school personnel.
- Steps to respond to and manage small and large-scale incidents.
About the Presenter
Brian Skogen is a founding member and current coordinator of the SW/WC School Crisis Response Team, which serves 18 counties in southwest and west central Minnesota. Brian is a certified instructor through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) in the areas of School Crisis Management, Group CISM and Individual CISM. He is a member of the SW MN EMS CISM team, spent 23 years on his local fire department, 16 years as an EMT, 17 years on the Yellow Medicine County Technical Rescue Team and 26 years teaching fire/rescue through MN West Community and Technical College. He is the school social worker at Canby Public Schools and holds a master's degree in school counseling. Brian lives in rural Canby with his wife and family.