Connecting the Science of Reading to Developmentally Appropriate Early Literacy Practices for Preschool and Kindergarten Learners

Thursday, August 14, 2025

9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Registration Deadline

Friday, August 1, 2025

This one-day professional development workshop is designed for those who support early learners (preschool or Kindergarten), eager to strengthen their literacy instruction through the lens of the Science of Reading as it applies to Early Childhood (EC). Participants will explore how research-backed strategies learned in LETRS, OL&LA, and CAREIALL can be effectively integrated with developmentally appropriate early literacy practices to build a solid foundation for young learners.

Through engaging activities, collaborative discussions, and practical examples, attendees will learn how to:

  • Understand and Apply the Science of Reading: Review the key principles of the Science of Reading and why they are crucial in early literacy development.
  • Integrate Science of Reading into Daily Practice: Explore how Science of Reading strategies can be used to enhance early literacy instruction while considering the developmental needs of young children.
  • Incorporate Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Discover effective, age-appropriate strategies for teaching foundational literacy skills such as phonemic awareness, letter-sound relationships, and early vocabulary development.
  • Create a Literacy-Rich Environment: Learn how to create an environment that fosters literacy through play, exploration, and language-rich interactions.
  • Personalize Instruction: Understand how to tailor your instruction to meet the unique needs of each child, using assessment data and reflective practice.
    If you have any questions, please email Jennifer Johnson -
About the Presenter