CTE Impact Grants

Grant Information/Guidelines

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Impact Grants are a part of the Minnesota Service Cooperative CTE pathway growth initiative with the purpose of providing robust CTE experiences* for students in grades 5 through 12. Our focus is to increase the number of students equipped with the career and college readiness skills needed by employers. We encourage projects that utilize creativity and flexible thinking to serve students in new ways, providing them with an opportunity for exploration, exposure, and experiences that guide their career and college choices and build pathways to pursue them.

We define robust CTE as: 

  • Accessible, Equitable, and Inclusive – Student-centered opportunities that are accessible to ALL students and value our diverse human experience.
  • Aligned, and Integrated – Education and work-based experiences that are relevant, aligned and integrated with industry needs through advanced business/community engagement and higher education partnerships.
  • Innovation and Career-Connected – Innovative, career-connected learning that exposes students to local/regional career opportunities through hands-on, work-based and out-of-school learning in partnership with businesses.
  • Engaging and Relevant – Sequenced courses that are taught by instructors who are highly trained, supported, and deeply engaged in providing relevant instruction.
  • Sustainable and Need-Based – Sustained and leveraged resources through community partnerships that address barriers to quality CTE.

Funding Guidelines 

Up to $75,000  will be awarded during this application cycle. We anticipate awarding up to 6 $15,000 grants. Selected grant recipients will receive funds via reimbursement of approved, incurred expenses. Grant applications are reviewed by a regional selection committee with representation from community, economic and higher-education sectors.

MSC CTE Project Funds MUST accomplish at least one of the following in accordance with the authorizing legislation for this funding:

  • Develop career pathways
  • Develop new CTE programs tied to regional industries/economy
  • Equip students with technical/workplace skills
  • Improve access to CTE programs by developing public/private partnerships and/or increasing postsecondary options
  • Increase family/student awareness of CTE
  • Provide industry-level equipment/technologies supporting skills development

In addition, these priorities have been identified as important to student success and are strongly encouraged as part of your application:

  • Career Connected Learning that Equips Students for Our Future Workforce:  Equipping students for our future workforce by bridging relationships between education and industry to provide accessible, equitable, and inclusive career-connected learning that builds pathways to local/regional careers for all students.
  • Innovative and Aligned Approaches: Developing/offering new or enhanced CTE programs, pathways, and experiences that harness creativity and innovation and accelerate quality student learning in alignment with local/regional high-wage, in-demand careers. See the Career Pathways Tool to identify high-wage, in-demand careers for your region.
  • Collaboration to Accelerate Quality Learning: Intentional engagement of industry and education partners such as neighboring school districts, local/regional businesses, business/labor organizations or associations, chambers of commerce, economic development, workforce development, higher education, nonprofit/community-based organizations, and community action agencies. These partners are key in ensuring your project advances student learning tied to local/regional careers.

Submitted applications will be evaluated based on:

Project Focus and Outcomes:

Clear description of key activities, goals. Articulation of intended outcomes, student impact, and partner benefit, including a description of how you will measure your success/impact. ways in which your project addresses one or more of the above required accomplishments and the above encouraged priorities.

Collaborative Partnerships and Regional Careers

Identification of engaged partners. Clear description of how partners are intentionally and actively engaged in supporting the project and advancing student learning, including roles, responsibilities, and/or commitments of each partner. Articulation of how this project ties to local/regional careers.

Budget and Sustainability

Providing a clear budget specifying how funds will be used. Identifying how this project/course will be sustained once awarded funds are expended. Funds should support the purpose and activities approved in the application.   Recipients shall not claim reimbursement until eligible expenses have been incurred and paid. Funds may not be used for building or construction acquisitions, site or grounds acquisitions, building additions or expansions expenditures, or to supplant salaries and wages normally budgeted for an employee of the applicant/agency.  Funds may not be used for gifts or novelty items (unless individually and specifically approved) or for payments to vendors displaying exhibits for their profit.


  • Carefully review funding guidelines and application requirements (above and in application)
  • Please complete all components of the application form.
  • Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2024. 
  • Awardees will be notified on or before December 6th, 2024.
  • All funds must be spent and claims submitted by May 31, 2025.
  • Submit the completed application form to:
    • Subject: CTE Impact Grant
    • Attn: Alison Orgaard
    • Email: aorgaard@resourcecoop-mn.go

Application Form and Other Documents:

For More Information:

Alison Orgaard, CTE Manager


(320) 266-5640