Resource Training & Solutions is excited to launch a series of programs and support to integrate career exploration and experiences within all content areas by collaborating with central Minnesota businesses, workforce centers, and our regional school districts.
Teacher Externship Program
We’re in the process of taking business registrations for our Teacher Externship Program for the summer of 2023. Keep an eye out for our list of businesses that will sponsor this paid experience. If you have a business in your community that you would like to see sponsor a teacher please send this link out to them to get started. Businesses are expressing more interest than ever to work with schools.
Learn More
Job Shadow Planning Guide for Businesses
As schools are beginning to think more about providing job shadow experiences for students, Resource is collaborating with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (MN DEED) on their Summer of Jobs Campaign to help central Minnesota Businesses plan more effectively for student experiences. If you know of a local company that may be interested in hosting share our Job Shadowing Guide for Businesses.
Download Job Shadow Planning Guide
For more information contact Wanda Kraemer, Education Manager.