Our Boiler Licensing Preparation Course is designed to cover the operation and maintenance of low-pressure boilers used in steam and hot water heating applications.
This comprehensive course is suitable for individuals who wish to obtain a 2nd, 1st, or Special License. We highly recommend that individuals have general knowledge or at least have some prior work experience with boilers if attending for Special License. The boiler licensing application, exam scheduling procedure, and fee can be seen by visiting the Minnesota Department of Labor website.
Application and exam scheduling will be discussed during the course. Register today to ensure you ace your licensing exam!
About the Presenter
John Glynn is a Chief A MN Boiler Operator License holder. Is a certified NBIC Commissioned Boiler Inspector. He also has 15 years as a Boiler Class Instructor
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
** Materials and lunch will be provided.
Register Now!
Register Deadline: Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Contact Josh Baumann, Project Coordinator for more information.
This story was featured in volume 2 of our newsletter, The Central Connection. Click the link below to see what else was inside!